My name is Eduard, I’m a 31 years old straight man from London. Today, I got a rare Instagram message from a random guy. I noticed something strange because he was barely naked showing his dick and asking me to date. Hot Guy Showing Their Cocks On Instagram.

I was shocked at first because i’m straight but I he was cute so I said why not? At the point, had no sense to report the user, i mean, if you don’t want to receive men naked selfies you can delete it or ban him, right? His profile had many hot photos too but he was wearing underwear. Before I could give an honest rating I’d need to find out if it tastes as good as it looks!

No more nudes I could see so I clicked the chat window and we were talking a few hours about life and he sent me more nude photos, this time showing more details including his personality, muscles, body, face, his car, his house and things like that but no more dick photos until I had to ask: ‘wanna trade cock selfies’?
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Every gay guy has a preference about the kind of penis he would like to suck some day: black, white, long, short, thick, thin, circumcised, uncircumcised, etc. I was cool with a beautiful dude sending me his cock pics. I usually never report users for nudity but I receive a lot.
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He want me to allow him to see more of my private profile so I said yes. The message title was ‘Huge cumshot by hot guy with big fat thick cock’ not sure why I did not made screenshots but instead of a penis disappearing after a few seconds, we talked a lot about life. I was drinking coffee that day I had to keep him interested.

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I like the pink glans and that hot girth. The smell of your dick must be manly, i’m sure. Being 18 is always a plus and Im open to do whatever he wanted Since he is young but legal so I was like! Porn amateur gay, straight men, men selfies, nude selfies boys, gay selfies, amateur gay porn, snapchat gay, big cocks, dick selfies.
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A man’s dick it’s important but full body naked selfies are even more. I love when they wear sweatpants or jeans but I’m also open to shorts or boxers. Posted in amateur, big dick, boy selfie, boys self pics, boys with phones, boyself, mirror pics, teen boys, twinks, underwear. Naked Male Pics on Instagram, instagram men, naked guys, hot boys, cocks, dicks.
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The most amazing set of cock and balls I’ve ever seen!! I want them in my mouth all three of them and I feel that dude was hot even when I’m, straight and I think he is married too but, he sent me a good cock photo and It’s okay but, if he were dressed I think it could be a better way to say hello to a random guy, right?
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Consider your options and be open to try something new like sex with a man. He sent me more big dicks gay photos and videos last week so now I really want to meet him and I enjoyed looking at his big muscular body mostly. Well done, this is one of the yummiest ways to help the environment.
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